My Fitness Journey

From the young age of 12  I was influenced by working out and looking fit.  I was an overweight kid/teen who was HIGHLY ENCOURAGED to do Jane Fonda workout videos with my mom in the living room. I ended up blossoming into a very successful high school athlete – which continued through to college.  I graduated with a degree in exercise science and a personal training certification and was ready to change lives.

My own health journey (like many) has seen highs and lows, even knowing as much as I do about weight loss and fitness.  After college I was LOST – in my own path.  I moved to Cape Cod and immediately started working in gyms in 2002 and quickly became successful at getting people in shape and reaching their goals. Reaching my own goals…that was a struggle.

I have taken part and tried every type of fitness you could imagine- and have then also gotten a certification to teach it– I became a runner and completed four half marathons, joined teams to do obstacle course races, did CrossFit for years, Kettlebell competitions, lifted weights, and would be found working out constantly.

Then life progressed, and I got married and had a baby at 29. That’s when the journey took just about every detour and road block and re-route you can imagine.  9lb 9 oz baby girl! I gained a considerable amount of weight and was over 200 lbs (I am only 5’2”). But my life was complete- I, a WIFE and a MOM, and that was all I focused on – until 2 years passed and I realized I hadn’t put any focus on myself and woke up OVERWEIGHT, UNHAPPY and UNCOMFORTABLE in my skin.

I found it MUCH harder to make it all happen. Priorities = MOM, WORK, WIFE, KEEP UP A HOUSEHOLD. When could I possibly workout, prepare and cook meals? Then taking her own advice – IF YOU WANT IT, YOU FIND THE TIME – so I made the time in my day to workout, cook family meals and mom meals. I slowly started making my way back.  Fast forward four years and life took a turn, as it does: I was divorced, had a new job, and EVERYTHING was different. And time? Well, I felt like I had even less.

A lesson I preach EVERY SINGLE DAY to others rang in my ears over and over: “You are only your best self if you take care of yourself first!  You’ll feel better, you’ll perform better, you’ll be a better mom, a better employee, and a better partner!”  So, I again MADE the time, made myself a priority, found a gym that made me feel welcome – found a coach that could hold me accountable!

Wait – I’m a trainer – why would a trainer need a trainer??  Because we all need support, outside unbiased perspective, accountability, motivation all those things. And asking for help was the best thing I ever did.  AND STILL DO!

I am now 42 years old, and my daughter is 13 – I am still juggling work, mom life, social life, ADULTING life and my own fitness journey – I been there and done that!  I have proven that life is always going to try and make weight loss and staying in shape hard – but it’s 100% possible.

Jaime Gilrein
Personal Training Director
Fitness500 Club
Hyannis, MA
Office  508 815 4520
Cell 774 238 8321

BS in Exercise Science
Box N Burn Certified
Rock Steady Boxing Certified
Crossfit Level 1 Certified
Kettlebell Athletics Certified
Precision Nutrition Certified